They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.’
— Acts 16:31

Acts 16:31 tells us that we don’t have to have all of our questions and doubts resolved in order to follow Jesus. Instead, if we bring our questions and doubt to Christ, we’ll find he’s there, waiting with open arms to join us on the journey towards finding answers.


Dan Cook is first and foremost a child of God. Like you, he's loved by his creator in a way that's beyond comprehension. He's also a writer, speaker, thinker and dreamer.

Having spent the bulk of his life as an agnostic, he came to Christ in 2012 and has been following a steady call to help others to see the life-giving, unfathomably loving, self-sacrificial, grace-offering God that he's been blessed to find.


A 20+-year veteran of news/talk radio production, he has followed a call to ministry. He earned his M.Div from Bethel Seminary in 2022 and is currently a Teaching Pastor at Genesis Church in Robbinsdale, MN

He is also a son, brother, uncle and friend.